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Beginner's kit


This version is not accompanied with public dump files, hence the files in this section are based on v6.0.0 of the Graph. The current data are only exposed via the OpenAIRE Graph API and added-value services that are built on top of this version of the Graph (e.g., the OpenAIRE Explore). If you are interested to get bulk access to our latest data, please contact us via our helpdesk.

The large size of the OpenAIRE Graph is a major impediment for beginners to familiarise with the underlying data model and explore its contents. Working with the Graph in its full size typically requires access to a huge distributed computing infrastructure which cannot be easily accessible to everyone. The OpenAIRE Beginner’s Kit aims to address this issue. It consists of two components:

  • A subset of the Graph composed of the research products published between 2022-06-29 and 2022-12-29, all the entities connected to them and the respective relationships.
  • A Zeppelin notebook that demonstrates how you can use PySpark to analyse the Graph and get answers to some interesting research questions. A guide to Apache Zeppelin can be found here.